Laravel socialite login with facebook tutorial. Here, you will learn how to implement facebook login with laravel app using the socialite package. This tutorial shows you step by step how you add the facebook login button in your laravel application.
Author: Devendra Dode
Laravel 7/6 Cron Job Scheduling
If you are looking, laravel custom cron job schedule, laravel run cron job manually, laravel cron job cpanel, laravel run schedule manually, laravel scheduler every second, how to run cron job in laravel. So this tutorial will help you. In
Laravel 7/6 Socialite Google Login Example
Laravel 7, 6 socialite google gmail account login example tutorial. Here you will learn how to implement socialite google gmail account login in laravel app using laravel socialite package. Sometimes, you need to add social login (google, github, facebook, twitter)
Laravel 7/6 QR Code Generator Example
Laravel 7/6 generate Bar/QR code example. We would love to share with you how to generate (create) Bar/QR code using simple-QRcode in laravel projects. You can simply create (generate) QR codes with text, size, color, background color, format like png,
Laravel 7/6 Import Export Excel, Csv to Database Example
In this article, you will learn how to import export excel or CSV large data from the database in laravel Framework using maatwebsite version 3 package with example. There have been many new changes in version 3 of the new
Read More Laravel 7/6 Import Export Excel, Csv to Database Example
Laravel 7/6 DataTable CRUD using Ajax
Laravel 7, 6 DataTable Ajax Crud with bootstrap modal. In this tutorial, You will learn how to create a crud app using the yajra dataTable with bootstrap modal in laravel. As well as you will learn how to insert data
Laravel 7.x, 6.x Generate/Create PDF Example
Generate pdf in laravel 7.x/6.x. Here, we would like to share with you how to create pdf and download pdf in the laravel 7/6 Application. Most of the E-commerce projects, Shopping websites, E-Marketing Websites have built-in laravel. These types of
Laravel 7/6 Multi Auth( Authentication) Example Tutorial
Laravel multi (auth) authentication- Today we are going to show you, how to create multi auth system in laravel 7/6. Multiple auth system means multiple users can log in in one application according to roles. Multiple authentications are very important
Read More Laravel 7/6 Multi Auth( Authentication) Example Tutorial
Custom Search in Yajra Datatables Laravel 7/6
Laravel 7/6 custom filter (search) in DataTable, you will learn how you can add a custom filter or search in yajra DataTables and & display data without reloading the whole page on dataTables. with example. We will also provide a
Laravel 7/6 Yajra DataTables Example Tutorial
Laravel 7, 6 Yajra DataTables Example. In this tutorial, you will learn how you can install and use yajra DataTables in your laravel projects with example. Also this tutorial guides you step by step to install and use datatables in