C Program to Print Consecutive Row Numbers in Right Triangle

Program to print consecutive row numbers in right triangle in c; Through this tutorial, we will learn how to print consecutive row numbers in right triangle using for loop and while loop in c programs.

C Program to Print Consecutive Row Numbers in Right Triangle

  • C Program to Print Consecutive Row Numbers in Right Triangle using For Loop
  • C Program to Print Consecutive Row Numbers in Right Triangle using While Loop

C Program to Print Consecutive Row Numbers in Right Triangle using For Loop

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int i, j, rows, val;

    printf("Enter Right Triangle Consecutive Row Nums Pattern Rows = ");

    printf("\nThe Consecutive Numbers in Right Triangle Row Pattern\n");

	for (i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
		val = i;
		for (j = 1 ; j <= i; j++ )
			printf("%d ", val);
			val = val + rows - j;

    return 0;

The output of the above c program; is as follows:

Enter Right Triangle Consecutive Row Nums Pattern Rows = 5
The Consecutive Numbers in Right Triangle Row Pattern
2 6
3 7 10
4 8 11 13
5 9 12 14 15 

C Program to Print Consecutive Row Numbers in Right Triangle using While Loop

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int i = 1, j, rows, val;

    printf("Enter Right Triangle Consecutive Row Nums Pattern Rows = ");

    printf("\nThe Consecutive Numbers in Right Triangle Row Pattern\n");

	while(i <= rows )
		val = i;
		j = 1 ;
		while ( j <= i)
			printf("%d ", val);
			val = val + rows - j;
			j++ ;

    return 0;

The output of the above c program; is as follows:

Enter Right Triangle Consecutive Row Nums Pattern Rows = 5
The Consecutive Numbers in Right Triangle Row Pattern
2 6
3 7 10
4 8 11 13
5 9 12 14 15

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AuthorDevendra Dode

Greetings, I'm Devendra Dode, a full-stack developer, entrepreneur, and the proud owner of Tutsmake.com. My passion lies in crafting informative tutorials and offering valuable tips to assist fellow developers on their coding journey. Within my content, I cover a spectrum of technologies, including PHP, Python, JavaScript, jQuery, Laravel, Livewire, CodeIgniter, Node.js, Express.js, Vue.js, Angular.js, React.js, MySQL, MongoDB, REST APIs, Windows, XAMPP, Linux, Ubuntu, Amazon AWS, Composer, SEO, WordPress, SSL, and Bootstrap. Whether you're starting out or looking for advanced examples, I provide step-by-step guides and practical demonstrations to make your learning experience seamless. Let's explore the diverse realms of coding together.

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