If you want to install and setup cPanel and WHM on an AWS EC2 instance server, you need to login to AWS Console Management and launch an instance, then connect to the instance with an SSH terminal, and the cPanel
Category: AWS
How to Install Terraform on Amazon Linux 2
To install Terraform from the yum config linux repository, simply type sudo yum install -y yum-utils && sudo yum -y install terraform commands AWS ssh terminal window and press enter to install it on Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance server.
How to Install Ansible on Amazon AWS Linux 2
Connect to Amazon Linux 2 server via SSH PuTTY and update the system using sudo yum update, after that run sudo amazon-linux-extras install ansible2 -y command on the amazon aws ssh terminal window to install ansible in linux 2 ec2
How to Install Docker on Amazon Linux 2
To install Docker Compose on an Amazon AWS EC2 Linux 2 server, simply connect to the Amazon Linux 2 server via an SSH PuTTY terminal and run the sudo yum install docker command on the AWS SSH terminal to install
How to Install Python 3.12 on Amazon Linux 2
Installing Python on Amazon aws Linux 2 server is not difficult, just download Python latest version zip using the wget command and then extract it, and run the sudo ./configure –enable-optimizations && sudo make altinstall command to install it in
How to Install LAMP Stack on Amazon Linux 2
Installing and configuring LAMP stack on a cloud Amazon Linux 2 server is very easy, you can install and configure it on your cloud server in just a few minutes, for you just need to connect to your Amazon Linux
How to Install MySQL on Amazon Linux 2
Installing MySQL server on amazon aws Linux 2 server is very easy, there are few commands to use, and you can easily install and configure mysql 8 client on amazon aws linux 2 in just a few minutes. First, connect
How to Install PHP 8.2 on Amazon AWS Linux 2
To install and configure php 8.2, 8.1, 8.0 on amazon aws Linux 2 server, You can enable and install it by using sudo amazon-linux-extras enable php8.2 and sudo amazon-linux-extras install php8.2 command on ssh terminal window or command line. Here
How to Install Nextcloud on Amazon Linux
Installing and configuring NextCloud on an Amazon AWS EC2 Linux server is a simple task, simply connect to the Amazon AWS Linux 2 server with SSH PuTTY, update the system, and then run a few commands to install the LAMP
Deploy Laravel Project on AWS EC2 Apache 2 Ubuntu Server
First of all, install git and composer on aws ec2 instance with Apache 2 server, because you can easily deploy laravel project with the help of Git clone command and run it on the server with the help of composer.
Read More Deploy Laravel Project on AWS EC2 Apache 2 Ubuntu Server