When you face “cURL Error 60: SSL Certificate Problem unable to get local issuer certificate or certificate has expired” in Wamp or XAMPP Server, it means that cURL is having trouble verifying the SSL certificate of the remote server or
Category: PHP
Star Rating System in PHP and MySQL using jQuery Ajax
Star rating system/code with PHP MySQL & jquery and Ajax on products, and posts. In this tutorial, we will show you how to build 5 star rating system with PHP MySQL using jQuery and Ajax. As well as, To display the 5
Read More Star Rating System in PHP and MySQL using jQuery Ajax
Dynamic Bar Chart in PHP and MySQL
In this tutorial, we would love to show you how to create dynamic bar charts in PHP and MySQL database using Chart JS library. How to Create Dynamic Bar Chart in PHP and MySQL Here are steps to create a
How to Export Data from MySQL to Excel using PHP
Export mysql data to excel in PHP; In this tutorial, you will learn how to export data from mysql to excel file using PHP. How to Export Data from MySQL to Excel using PHP Steps to export data from MySQL
PHP MySQL Delete Record with Confirmation
If you are displaying any data in the list. And you want to add a delete button to the list and when a user clicks on the delete button then the confirmation box should open. Data or record is deleted
FullCalendar Event PHP MySQL Example Tutorial
If you want to integrate jquery fullcalendar with php mysql bootstrap and create, update, fetch, and display event data from the database while doing crud operations with fullcalendar. So it is going to be very easy for you. Throughout this
Bootstrap Modal Form Submit PHP MySQL
Bootstrap modal form submit using Ajax with PHP MySQL; In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a bootstrap modal form and submit it using Ajax jquery with PHP Mysql. Bootstrap Modal Form Submit using Ajax in PHP MySQL
Create Simple RESTful API with PHP & MySQL
The RESTful APIs in PHP with MySQL allows you to create a web service that enables communication between your PHP application and a MySQL database. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and use a REST API in
Admin and User Login in PHP with MySQL
In this tutorial, you will learn step by step how to create admin and user login in php with MySQL using session. How to Create Login Page for Admin and User in PHP Mysql Here are the steps to create
Add to Cart using PHP and MySQL
If you are building an e-commerce or product-based web application in PHP and MySQL. And in this application, you have to implement shopping add to cart functionality with ajax using PHP and MySQL. So that any user can easily add