The easiest way to get the current date, month, year, hour, minute and second etc in node js is to use the built-in Date object and Intl.DateTimeFormat API. How to Get Current Date Time in Node js Here are some
Node js Express Insert Data From Form into MySQL DB Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will learn store data from HTML form to MySQL database in Node JS Express app. How to Insert Form Data in MySQL using Node js Express Simply create the form in HTML and create a route
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How to Delete All Files in Folder in Node js
The fs.unlink() and rimraf library remove all files or multiple from a folder in node js. How to Delete All Files from a Folder or Directory in Node js Here are two methods: Method 1: Using the built-in fs module
How to Rename a Folder in Node.js
The simple way is to rename a folder or directory using fs.rename() synchronously and asynchronously. In this tutorial, you will learn how to rename folder in node js. How to Rename a Directory or Folder in Node.js Here are three
Node js Rename All Files in Folder Tutorial
The easiest way to rename a file based on its name, extension, size, and type in Node JS using fs.rename(). In this tutorial, you will learn how to rename all files in a folder with extension, type, and size using
Node.js Express Form Validation Example
In this tutorial, you will learn how to validate form data and submit in node js express js applications using express-validator module. How to Validate Form Using Express-Validator in Node js Express JS Here are steps: Step 1: Set Up
Laravel Database Seeder Faker Factory Not Found
If you found a class database factory seeder not found error, while working in laravel apps; So in this tutorial, you will learn how to fix class database factory faker seeder not found error in laravel. Class Database Seeder Factory
Laravel Create Dummy Data using Tinker Factory Seeder and Faker
Laravel allows tinker and seeder command to generate dummy or fake data and insert into mysql database in single command. The factory uses the Faker class to generate fake or test data and tinker and factory will insert the dummy-generated
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How to Create Express Node js Project
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build and setup node js project with express js framework. Here are steps: Step 1: Install Node Js To install and set up Express Project, you need to install Node JS in
How to Write a File in Node JS
To write in files such as text, csv, JSON,html, etc using node js, The easiest way to do it in Node.js is to use the fs.writeFile() and writeFileSync() modes. Node JS allows you to write files like Text, CSV, JSON,